2 most inspirational Youtubers of all time


      In the 21st century, also known as the century of technology, I believe most of the people have heard of “YouTube.” Back in 2005, three former PayPal employees— Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim— created YouTube (Bellis, n.d.). Since the launch of YouTube, people use it as a medium to watch, share, and upload videos. Because of YouTube, many people started to make videos. Some make their own videos, while others upload their cover songs on YouTube. Famous Youtubers with over 5 million subscribers such as Jack Harris and John Green are my all-time favorite and inspirational Youtubers. Not only do they make videos with simply pictures and music, but they also incorporate meaningful messages or knowledge behind them.

      One of my favorite Youtubers is Jack Harris. Jack and his brother, Finn, created a Youtube channel called “JacksGap.” The reason why I am a big fan of JacksGap is that most of their videos are inspiring and meaningful. Watching their videos about traveling and doing charity to help people in need, I am touched by their generosity and passion for making the world a better place. About two years ago, JacksGap documented a four-series video called “The Rickshaw Run.” Driving their tuk-tuks, filming breathtaking views, Jack and Finn Harris traveled across India in their aim to raise as much money as possible to fund Teenage Cancer Trust (Dredge, 2014). Jack Harris, a successful Youtuber, brings everyone laughter, joy, and inspirational stories. Through the power of videos, many people can find themselves encouraged and motivated by Youtubers. Their ardent spirits for making videos truly inspire their fans all over the world.

      YouTube is not only a webpage for people to entertain themselves when they are bored, but it is also a place for people to learn and broaden their knowledge. Nowadays, people are not limited to information within books, but online educational videos as well; it makes studying more fascinating, amusing, and creative. “Hello everyone, I’m John Green. Welcome to Crash Course.” This is what the founder of Crash Course, John Green, would say every time at the beginning of his videos. John Green and his brother, Hank Green, created a Youtube channel called Crash Course, which provides students and teachers a new approach to learn new things. In this channel, there are a variety of subjects for students to acquire from, for example: World History, Literature, Psychology, Chemistry, and more. What is special about John Green’s videos is that he will turn boring texts into videos with vivid images and motion pictures; therefore, students are largely motivated to study with the help of Crash Course’s videos. Learning with only black and white texts is boring, but learning with colorful images and videos will help students in absorbing the information that they obtain. 

      In today’s world, most of us have heard of “YouTube,” and we all use it to watch videos almost every day to entertain ourselves. Through the innovative technology that we have, many people, especially teenagers, have started to make videos to express their thoughts or feelings with people around the world. Through many videos made by successful Youtubers, they give people more opportunities to interact with each other and more ways to broaden their views and knowledge. Both Youtube channels, JacksGap and Crash Course, motivate and encourage people to help others and learn new things. These factors make them the two most inspirational Youtubers for me.


Bellis, M. (n.d.). Who invented Youtube? About.com. Retrieved from http://inventors.about.com/od/xyzstartinventions/a/YouTube.htm

Dredge, R. (2014). The secret to a successful Youtube video. The Guardian. Retrieved from http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/apr/09/youtube-rhett-link-jacksgap-young-turks


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