The mysterious Instagram account “taipeistudent”


Around early September 2020, a strange account in the name of taipeistudent was created on Instagram. Right when it was created the administrator of the account started to follow every student in Taiwan, whether it was a private, public or international school, if you are a student in a school in Taiwan there’s a high chance the account has tried to follow you.

The creator of the account likes to post random stuff relating to Taiwan such as different food that originated from Taiwan, singers, or bands that are all Taiwanese, or different schools in Taiwan. At one point the creator even tagged @tw_good, which is another account that shows off good looking girls and boys from different schools in Taiwan and has thousands of followers. When this account kicked off, they had a poll on different schools, allowing the voters to see which school they liked more. The account creator also made a poll on China and Taiwan, indicating an interest surrounding Taiwanese politics.

Whether you should or should not follow this account is up to you. Stay safe online, and make sure that you only allow people you trust to follow you on your social media.


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