The best YSC play goes to…


On January 14th, 2019, a momentous event struck our gym as if precious treasure has been found. It was the annual Young Shakespeare Competition’s (YSC) awarding ceremony, one which yields astonishing results, leaving every Middle and High School student awestruck. Once all the students gathered in the gym, the ceremony begun. The Grade 8 Language Arts teacher, Mr. Elliott Wakeling was in charge of distributing the awards. “The winner of the play is……” This is a sacred quote, marking the beginning of the awards ceremony. Everyone gets excited. The Middle School awards were given first: The winning play was “The Parallel Universe” by Grade 6 Bl. Ceslao. The runner-up was “Lost in My Mind” by Grade 8 St. Agnes. Those plays were both comprised of fantastic plots. The best actors and actresses of Middle School were: Kimi Chen, from Grade 7 Bl. Jordan and Minkie Mabasa from Grade 8 St. Agnes, respectively. There were also the awards for the best costumes and props, both were given to the play “The Curse of the Artifact” by Grade 7 Bl. Jordan. The play with the best sound effects and best script was “Lost in My Mind” by Grade 8 St. Agnes. The Middle Schoolers were all talented actors, as were the high schoolers. The best High School play went to “The Virus”, by Grade 9 St. Raymond. Next, the best actresses were announced: Cindy Cheng, of Grade 11 St. Anthony, along with the best supporting actors and actresses, Ethan Weng, from Grade 9 St. Rose, and Melissa Zhao, of Grade 10 St. Albert. In addition, the best costume and staging was rewarded to “Playing with Fate” by Grade 10 St. Albert. The best sound effects award was rewarded to “The Key to Salvation”, a co-production between Grade 11 St. Anthony and St. Louis. The play “The Virus” by Grade 9 St. Raymond attained the best musical award and best script, aside from being the best high school play this year. In retrospect, this ceremony was undoubtedly an unforgettable one.


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