Innovation and inquiry at the Middle School Science Fair


The middle school science fair was held on January 29, 2019. This year, over forty exhibitions about different topics were showcased by middle school students in the gym. There were experiments about Earth’s movement, elephant toothpaste, vermiculite and, other interesting scientific topics. All of the students spent a lot of time researching since the beginning of the school year. They did trials again and again until the results were satisfactory. Each group was graded by teachers and high school students. The science fair was unique this year compared to previous events in that according to Ms. Bing, one of the middle school science teachers, the fair should have more emphasis on being a presentation and summary of research and experimentation, data analysis, and report writing, rather than a mere “Show and Tell” extravaganza. Most of the students felt that the event was a successful one and hope it would continue on for years to come. All of the teachers and students learned a lot of new knowledge and interesting facts. And most importantly, WE ALL HAD FUN!


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