The Taliban invasion


You might have heard of Malala Yousafzai, the youngster that fought for women’s rights when the Taliban began to take over Pakistan in 2001 and narrowed women’s rights (BBC, n.d.-b), The Taliban was the one who shot the 24 year old. Now, the Taliban isn’t only taking over cities, but also countries like Afghanistan. It is again the top of the talk in the summer and fall of 2021. 

The Taliban began attacking Afghanistan in 2021, 20 years after American troops defeated them (Council foreign relations, n.d.) . However, before this big event, the Taliban already started taking over cities in 2011, and by 2020, they already took over most of the major cities near Pakistan, including Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan In 2021, Taliban began to attack Afghanistan (Council foreign relations, n.d.) . You might be thinking, aren’t there a bunch of wars in the Middle East? Why is this particular invasion so important? The reason is that this attack left more refugees than ever. We can see that by looking at the pictures of the size of the refugee camp. The Taliban left many refugees in cramped, dirty places. 

The Taliban is an Islamic Terrorist group who doesn’t believe in women or girl’s rights. In places that the Taliban control, women often can’t do basic things, like go to school or take a walk. Taliban sides with communist countries like China, Iran and Russia. In addition, they would kill, starve and beat refugees or soldiers gladly if it is necessary in order to get land. The Taliban has participated in many wars including against the U.S. The Taliban took the chance to attack when the U.S. government withdrew their remaining troops in Afghanistan (Council Foreign Relations, n.d.). The Taliban is a vicious group who tortures Afghans when they attack them. 

The war got so bad that the U.S. needed to step in. Taliban terrorists attacked and took down the Twin Towers, so naturally the U.S. has hate for the Taliban and won’t hesitate to fight agaisnt them (cfr, n.d.). In 2001, when the U.S. steps into war, they started a bombing campaign and dropped many bombs on Afghanistan (cfr, n.d.). In 2002, nearly two thousand American troops and a thousand Afghan troops charged against the Taliban (cfr, n.d.). After 2002, the Taliban kind of surrendered (cfr, n.d.). In 2009, however, the war resurfaced and the war started again (cfr, n.d.). 

There are still some countries that support the Taliban. For example, Russia and China still support them (The week, n.d.). Russia’s Ambassador even gave “warm words” to Taliban representatives (BBC, n.d.). Even though Russia banned the Taliban in 2003, Taliban representatives still go to Moscow for talks in 2018. The Chinese government claims that the Taliban invading Afghanistan would “play an important road in reconciliation and reconstruction.” (New York Times, n.d.)

The Taliban is considered a terrible group to some people, but a savior for others. We can all agree that the Taliban is hungry for power and won’t hesitate to kill if anyone is in their path of destruction. The Taliban is truly an organization with powerful allies and thirst for blood. If you want to help the refugees suffering right now, please take action by sending a message online to show them love and support. 

Who are the Taliban? - BBC News
Taliban rolls out red carpet to China's Belt and Road Initiative - Nikkei  Asia
Russia puts Taliban on 'probation' with Central Asia on knife edge - Nikkei  Asia

BBC. (n.d.). Afghan crisis: Russia plans for new era with taliban. Https://Www.Bbc.Com/News/World-Europe-58265934.

cfr. (n.d.). The US war in afghanistan. Https://Www.Cfr.Org/Timeline/Us-War-Afghanistan.

Council Foreign Relations. (n.d.). The Taliban in afghanistan. Https://Www.Cfr.Org/Backgrounder/Taliban-Afghanistan.

New York Times. (n.d.). China offers the Taliban a warm welcome while urging for peace talks. Https://Www.Nytimes.Com/2021/07/28/World/Asia/China-Taliban-Afghanistan.Html.

The week. (n.d.). The countries that support taliban. Https://Www.Theweek.Co.Uk/News/World-News/955166/Countries-That-Support-the-Taliban.


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