How well do you know your teachers?


Have you ever wondered what your teachers are outside of class? In this series, we will be exploring the different hobbies of your teachers and dive deeper into their lives. Don’t forget to watch out for more! In this article, we will be talking about our favorite religious studies teacher, Mr. Nguyen and our amazing science teacher,Ms.Bing.

Ever since he started teaching at DIS, Mr.Nguyen’s enthusiasm, passion, and just the right amount of sarcasm, has been something that we possibly can’t live without. Mr.Nguyen currently teaches Middle School Religious Studies and is the Homeroom Teacher for Grade 10 St. Albert. As we might see him frequently in classes, did you ever wonder what type of activities he enjoys when he’s not teaching? Mr. Nguyen replied, “I like to sleep, go hiking, hang out with friends, and play the piano or organ.”

Now that we learned about his present hobbies, I think it’s time that we look into the times that shaped our teachers. Mr. Nguyen said,” I was naturally smart and kind.” Mr. Nguyen treats his students with the utmost kindness and patience, so it’s no surprise that Mr. Nguyen grew up as an amazing person. He continued, “Although I [didn’]t get straight A’s, I help my academically challenged friends a lot, even helping them pass their tests and cheat without getting caught by the teacher.” Although I didn’t quite expect that response, I guess Mr.Nguyen’s kind nature couldn’t resist helping out those in need.

Mr.Nguyen in the early 2000s

Religious studies might be one of our favorites, but let’s take a look into another favorite teacher’s life! Ms. Bing! She is a teacher loved by all, her bubbly, fun, and energetic personality will never fail to bring a smile to our faces. Ms. Bing is currently teaching Middle School Science and PSD & Health. When Ms. Bing was asked the same questions Ms. Bing replied,” I was a very well rounded and active kid. Most of my free time will be spent with either my friends or siblings, doing all sorts of stuff. We liked playing sports such as basketball, volleyball, skates, biking, or any street games you can play or think of.”

As these type of activities will be able to help cultivate their activities she also responded,” [Those] sports skills ]led] me to become a volleyball and basketball player in school.” As a young girl who grew up in the Philippines, where most of the areas are blooming with greenery she also added, “We also planted or gathered veggies, and fruits, and climbing trees was the best part of it.”

Although Ms. Bing had a ton of outdoor activities, she also enjoyed multiple indoor activities that allowed her to exercise all parts of her body, from her brain to her toes. “As for [indoor] hobbies, I play chess, other board games, dance and sing, and choreograph dance steps and prepare musical plays, so that we have something to show our elders when it’s time for family gatherings, which happens around 6:30 p.m. to late dinner time.”

Young Ms.Bing during her childhood

Ms. Bing sure had an amazing childhood, but that’s not all of it! She also loved to read a ton of books, “I can finish a novel in 2 to 3 days nonstop. [My] reading escalates during the summer. I thank my aunt, grandparents, and elder siblings for the influence and plethora of books that can be found at home.” Not only that, but Ms. Bing also did manual and machine sewing!

“There was a time when I had sewn all my siblings’ school uniforms when I was in Grade 6, and that made our parents and grandparents very proud.” If you were her grandparents I’m sure you would have been over the moon happy to have her as your granddaughter! Ms. Bing not only sew, but she also cooked, cleaned, and did a bunch of arts and crafts. As most of her life was spent in an off-grind lifestyle, the computer only made its debut during her years of high school. When it did, Ms. Bing’s school took it as part of their curriculum as a substitute for typing class. This allowed her to enjoy tinkering and learning the basics of programming.

Programming gave her exposure to algorithm and logic behind the codes, thus cultivating her math skills to an extreme point, where she was chosen as a math representative for math contests in high school! As Ms. Bing’s life revolved around her family, they also enjoyed spending some quality time together. She watched educational films and classics with her family on Fridays or weekends. “But for times when elders aren’t around, I would prefer sci-fi and documentary films related to science.”

Ms. Bing and Mr. Nguyen undoubtedly had amazing childhoods that I’d love to experience. Remember to stay up to date to see more interviews with the teachers!


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