After beach clean-up it’s fundraising and more fundraising! DIS’s busy D’TORCH NJHS students


Since the establishment of the D’TORCH NJHS Chapter in 2018, Mr. Wakeling and his NJHS students have been working on various projects that can help the school and our local community.

While busy with Masquerade Night preparations and Young Shakespeare practices, the NJHS members of DIS got involved with the annual beach cleanup activity held by the European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT) in Baishawan, New Taipei City on October 19, 2019. The D’TORCH NJHS Chapter members collected over 50 kg of plastic and other trash and overall, the ECCT collected 915 kg of trash from the clean-up. Over 500 ECCT members, families, friends, and students too, attended. The NJHS students said it reminded them of DIS’s own beach clean up at the same location some two years ago.

The NJHS members holding up the trash they cleaned up! With D’TORCH NJHS Chapter Advisor Mr. Wakeling (second from the left) and DIS parents.

NJHS also had a fundraising booth during Masquerade Night. We raised money for the “Childhood Cancer Foundation of R.O.C” – which is a charity that raises money for cancer research and supports cancer victims. We raised a total of $14,000 NTD, which is roughly $460 US dollars. 

On the upcoming Valentines’ day on February 14, NJHS is also planning to raise money for “Animals Taiwan”  which is a charity that saves animals such as dogs and cats and cures their sickness while providing a home for them. People can also adopt dogs and cats over at Animals Taiwan or take them for a walk.

We’re hoping our participation in community activities such as the beach clean-up and fundraising efforts can raise everyone’s awareness of people in need of our help, animals, and the environment around us. Remember any action (or money), big or small, goes a long way to help. Please look out for our booth on Valentine’s Day!


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