Struggling to study? Here are three supplies to get you started!


Oftentimes, studying is considered as the mandatory “job” of students. However, studying isn’t just sitting on your desk with an open book doing nothing or reading it without anything going into your head. When you study, the ideal is to gain a lot of information sufficiently. To do so, there are many materials you could prepare to have a good-quality studying time. There are mainly three of those.


First, prepare any notebook that you will use to keep track of your daily study habits and list down anything you will need to do. Such a notebook can help you reflect on what and how you have been studying, which could give you a better insight in the best studying method for you. When you keep track of your daily study habits, you can actively see your study behaviors to brainstorm better ways of studying or figure out which studying method is the most suitable for you. Listing down the things you need to do will help you become organized and remind yourself what you need to do at all times. One single notebook can help you in many ways!

Second, get a stopwatch that you can use to keep track of your study hours, or if you don’t have a stopwatch you can just use the timer on your phone! By using a stopwatch to measure the time you have been studying, you can see how much effort you have been making on studying under a limited time, which could make you feel more accomplished and motivated to study. Instead of passively studying for as much time as you feel like everyday, having a stopwatch could help you manage your time. For example, if you studied more hours today than yesterday, you might be able to predict what were the factors that made your study time longer. Along with a notebook, a stopwatch can help you analyze your study behavior.

Third, get a rigid book stand that you could use to display your books when you study. A book stand can help you set up your notes and textbooks at an angle that is comfortable for you, no matter if you’re sitting at your desk, lying on your bed, or standing up! A book stand enables you to gain information from the books more easily. When you can gain information more easily and smoothly, it can increase your study quality. I recommend you to get one that’s strong enough to hold heavy books. There are many strong wooden book stands that you could buy from Amazon. Investing your money in such strong, good-quality book stands isn’t a loss, and in fact, could help you study more efficiently!

The materials that you could prepare to help you study more sufficiently aren’t just these three. There are many more out there that can be just as beneficial as the ones given here. If buying one single material for studying could benefit a lot, it’s not a bad idea to think about spending some of your money on these materials instead of the things you want for entertainment.


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